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KARATE - Discovering the path - ENGLISH - Ortiz, Cristina

Produktinformationen "KARATE - Discovering the path - ENGLISH - Ortiz, Cristina"

KARATE - Discovering the path [ENGLISH]


"It's not so much the journey that is important as how we treat those we meet along the way." - Jeremy Aldana

This manual is intended for beginners as well as for those who would like to be able to quickly consult the basic concepts of Karate-Do.

You will discover the origins of this martial art, the technical basics os the Shotokan style and, of course, the importance of values such as respect and discipline.

In addition to its detailed and precise information, the large number of illustrations it contains makes it easy to understand the concepts.

If you like karate, this manual is definitely for you.


Sprache: ‎ Englisch
ca. 93 Seiten
ISBN: ‎ 9798862452617
Lesealter ‏ : ‎ca. 5–18 Jahre

Eigenschaften "KARATE - Discovering the path - ENGLISH - Ortiz, Cristina"
Stilrichtung: Karate

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